How Apollo Neuro co-founder, Dr. Dave, uses the Apollo wearable throughout the day


apollo Neuro co-founder, Dr. Dave, uses the apollo wearable throughout the day","currency":"USD","price":0,"item_brand":"WOMEN BEAUTY, HEALTH & FITNESS","google_business_vertical":"custom","item_category":"WOMEN BEAUTY, HEALTH & FITNESS"}" />
apollo Neuro co-founder, Dr. Dave, uses the apollo wearable throughout the day">


As the Chief Innovation Officer and co-founder of apollo Neuro, people are always asking Dr. Dave Rabin MD, PhD how he uses the apollo™ wearable throughout the day. Tune in to hear his 24-hour schedule with the apollo wearable. His top tip? The more you use it, the better results — we recommend using apollo 3+ hours a day, 5 days a week, used during the day and night.

Dr. Dave will walk you through how he uses it to wake up, drop into deep focus, be a more present husband, and melt away stress to get deep sleep.

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